30 April 2013



            The purpose of this project is to display advertising on the LED panel by sending a simple message (SMS) to the GSM modem to a particular number from anywhere and display on the LED panel.

Block Diagram:

In this project we are using GSM modem for communication and LED panel for advertising. GSM means Global System for Mobile communications. It is a hugely successful wireless technology now a day’s it has become the world's fastest growing communications technology. GSM is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services. The GSM operates in the 900MHz and 1.8GHz bands GSM supports data transfer speeds of up to 9.6 kbps, allowing the transmission of basic data services such as SMS.
                  The project constitutes a microcontroller, GSM modem & LED panel. The particular person needs to send a SMS to the GSM modem. The GSM modem will be received by the SMS it will send the information to the microcontroller, the controller converts the received message and it will display message on the LED panel.
  • Microcontroller
  • Power supply
  • LED panel
  • GSM

  • Keil u-Vision
  • Embedded ‘C’
  • Express PCB
By using this project we can send a SMS from anywhere to the GSM modem and we can display the advertisement On the LED panel.

28 April 2013



  •         A new fast optimization transfer algorithm for image in wavelet domains(JUL2009)

  •       RADON representation based feature descriptor for  texture classification(JUL2009)

  •         Morphological background  detection & enhancement of images with poor lighting(MAR2009)

  •         SHEARLET based total vation diffusion for denoising (FEB2009)

  •         Independent  component analysis based background  subtraction for indoor surveillance (JAN2009)

  •         Image based human age estimation by manifold learning and locally  adjusted robust regression (JUL2008)

  •         Segmentation by fusion of histogram based KMEANS clusters in different color spaces(MAY2008)

  •         Generalised flooding and MULTICUE PDE based image segmentation(MAR2008)

  •         Color image watermarking using multidimensional FOURIER TRANSFORMS(MAR2008)

  •         Lcd motion blur reduction: a signal processing approach(FEB2008)

  •         Image mining for robot vision based on concept analysis(DEC2007)

  •         Color reproduction from noisy CFA data of single sensor digital cameras(SEP2007)

  •         New steganography technique for PALATTE based images(AUG2007)

  •         Robust image watermarking based on multiband wavelets and EMD(AUG2007)

  •         Peak transform for efficient image representation  and coding(JUL2007)

  •         Lifting based wavelet transform for image coding(FEB2007)

  •         Image diagnosing by averaging of piecewise constant simulations of image     partitions(FEB2007)

  •         An improving model watermarking with IRIS biometric code(JUN2006)

  •         Hiding a large amount of data using image steganography (MAR2006)

  •         Low density parity check codes with 2 state trellis decoding(JAN2009)

  •         A non-isolated  bidirectional ZVS  pwm active  clamped DCDC converter (FEB2009)

  •         Seven level shunt active power filter for high power drive systems(JAN2009)

  •         An annual midterm energy forecasting model using fuzzy logic ELIAS(FEB2009)

  •         Continuous Newton’s method for power flow analysis(FEB2009)

  •         Expansion embedding techniques for reversible watermarking(MAR2007)

26 April 2013


Industrial automation through internet

Industrial automation is a latest technology for industrial control. There are several methods to automate the industrial process. But for automation through internet is a medium which is used to make connection between the remote server and the controlled machines .

The medium can have two types:
1.        Wired medium
2.        Wireless medium

When we use the wired connection system then we need to connect wires from control panel to the controlled machines. This system can be used when the distance between the control panel and controlled devices are not too much. At the same time the cost of wires and the cost of maintaining the communication medium may be extent.
We can use wireless communication methods to avoid the use of physical wires.  We can establish a communication system which can operate up to some kilometers distance. This type of system is costly and also has limitation of distance as the communication system has to be designed for a certain distance.

All These problems can be overcome if we use the internet as our media of communication. The distance between the control station and the controlled machines is not a problem as the internet is available everywhere. We just need to have internet connections at both sites. The cost of maintaining the communication system is just the internet bill of two connections with installation cost of hardware. We can use that internet connection for all other application.

In This project we are developing a controller card that will be attached to the serial port of the computer at the factory site. Our aim to control this controller card from any computer in the world connected to the internet. The connections of this control card are given to the machines through relays.  An LCD display is also attached to this card to display the message received from the control station.

By using this project we can perform the following functions

1.Check the status of industry
 2.Switch on a device
 3.Switch off a device
 4.Change the state of operation for a device
 5.Send message & display on LCD
 6.Play alarm until someone not check the message (especially for  emergency conditions)


Circuit diagram:

program : 
                  The program code will be published here shortly keep visiting or post your request in comments field after joining as member in this site  ...............................

25 April 2013




Radio-frequency identification (RF ID) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RF ID tags or transponders. The technology requires some extent of cooperation of an RF ID reader and an RF ID tag.

An RF ID tag is an object that can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.

An RF ID tag is an object that can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.

A basic RF ID system consists of three components:

a) An antenna or coil
b) A transceiver (with decoder)
c) A transponder (RF tag)

Here are some RF based projects are listed for students. More RF based projects  will be published  later …keep visiting our blog…..


  •  RF ID Based Banking System
  • RF ID Based Voting Machine
  •  Display the Position of Train Coach in Railway Platform Using RF
  •  RF ID Based ATM Machine
  •  RF ID Based Attendance System
  •  Automatic Car Parking System Using RF ID
  •  RF ID Based Automatic Challan System
  •  RF ID Based Blind Man Stick
  •  RF ID Based Event Tracking System for Sports
  •  RF ID Based Library Management System
  •  RF ID Based Local Vehicle Tracking System
  •  RF ID Based Metro Train Prototype
  •  RF ID Based Railway Reservation
  •  RF ID Based Security cum Attendance System
  •  RF ID Based Security System
  •  RF ID Based Shopping Cart
  •  RF ID Based Telemedicine System
  •  RF ID Based Toll tax System
  •  RF ID Based Electronic Road Pricing for Controlling the traffic
  •  RF ID Based Prepaid Energy Meter with Recharge option 
  •  Parts Tracking System for Manufacturing 
  •  RF ID based shopping trolley
  •  RF ID based animal tracking system
  •  RF ID based medical information system
  •  RF ID based vehicle security and mobile based locking system
  •  RF ID based system for class room identification for visually impaired

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