15 April 2013


This Project “Automatic Room Light Controller with Visitor Counter using Microcontroller” is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of controlling the room lights as well us counting number of persons/ visitors in the room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room then the counter is incremented by one and the light in the room will be switched ON and when any one leaves the room then the counter is decremented by one. The light will be only switched OFF until all the persons in the room go out. The total number of persons inside the room is also displayed on the seven segment displays.

The microcontroller does the above job. It receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of software which is stored in ROM. Microcontroller AT89S52 continuously monitor the Infrared Receivers, When any object pass through the IR Receiver's then the IR Rays falling on the receiver are obstructed , this obstruction is sensed by the Microcontroller.

The objective of this project is to make a controller based model to count number of persons visiting particular room and accordingly light up the room. Here we can use sensor and can know present number of persons.
In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances with the increase in standard of living, there is a sense of urgency for developing circuits that would ease the complexity of life.
Also if at all one wants to know the number of people present in room so as not to have congestion. This circuit proves to be helpful.

Block Diagram

Block Diagram Description

The basic block diagram of the bidirectional visitor counter with automatic light controller is shown in the above figure. Mainly this block diagram consists of the following essential blocks.
1.      Power Supply
2.      Entry and Exit sensor circuit
3.      AT 89S52 micro-controller
4.     Relay driver circuit
   1.Power Supply:-
Here we used +12V and +5V dc power supply. The main function of this block is to provide the required amount of voltage to essential circuits. +12 voltages are given. +12V is given to relay driver. To get the +5V dc power supply we have used here IC 7805, which provides the +5V dc regulated power supply.
   2.    Enter and Exit Circuits:-
This is one of the main parts of our project. The main intention of this block is to sense the person. For sensing the person and light we are using the light dependent register (LDR). By using this sensor and its related circuit diagram we can count the persons.
  3.   89S52 Microcontroller:-
It is a low-power, high performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8KB of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the MCS-51TM instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic hip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful Microcontroller, which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution so many embedded control applications.
  4.   Relay Driver Circuit:-
This block has the potential to drive the various controlled devices. In this block mainly we are using the transistor and the relays. One relay driver circuit we are using to control the light. Output signal from AT89S52 is given to the base of the transistor, which we are further energizing the particular relay. Because of this appropriate device is selected and it do its allotted function.
Transmitter Circuit Diagram

This circuit diagram shows how a 555 timer IC is configured to function as a basic monostable multivibrator.  A monostable multivibrator is a timing circuit that changes state once triggered, but returns to its original state after a certain time delay.  It got its name from the fact that only one of its output states is stable.  It is also known as a 'one-shot'.

In this circuit, a negative pulse applied at pin 2 triggers an internal flip-flop that turns off pin 7's discharge transistor, allowing C1 to charge up through R1. At the same time, the flip-flop brings the output (pin 3) level to 'high'.  When capacitor C1 as charged up to about 2/3 V cc, the flip-flop is triggered once again, this time making the pin 3 output 'low' and turning on pin 7's discharge transistor, which discharges C1 to ground. This circuit, in effect, produces a pulse at pin 3 whose width t is just the product of R1 and C1, i.e., t=R1C1.IR Transmission circuit is used to generate the modulated 36 kHz IR signal. The IC555 in the transmitter side is to generate 36 kHz square wave. Adjust the preset in the transmitter to get a 38 kHz signal at the o/p. around 1.4K we get a 38 kHz signal. Then you point it over the sensor and its o/p will go low when it senses the IR signal of 38 kHz.

 Receiver Circuit Diagram 


The IR transmitter will emit modulated 38 kHz IR signal and at the receiver we use TSOP1738 (Infrared Sensor). The output goes high when the there is an interruption and it return back to low after the time period determined by the capacitor and resistor in the circuit. I.e. around 1 second. CL100 is to trigger the IC555 which is configured as monostable multivibrator. Input is given to the Port 1 of the microcontroller. Port 0 is used for the 7-Segment display purpose. Port 2 is used for the Relay Turn On and Turn off Purpose.LTS 542 (Common Anode) is used for 7-Segment display. And that time Relay will get Voltage and triggered so light will get voltage and it will turn on. And when counter will be 00 that time Relay will be turned off. Reset button will reset the microcontroller.

Transmitter pcb

Receiver Pcb



                             1. For counting purposes

                             2. For automatic room light control


Please click the following link to download the program for this project Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter using Microcontroller.Post your doubts in comments...............

Click here to download
Mirror download

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